
Current ranking 7 135

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Historical data

Period XRP USD Price 24h (XRP)
1 27 July 2024 112,045 65,928.17 109,396
2 26 July 2024 112,045 65,494.584 106,169
3 25 July 2024 106,169 65,868.00984 107,159.0651
4 24 July 2024 107,159.0651 68,985.139 111,459
5 23 July 2024 111,459 65,193.301 108,661.0000251
6 22 July 2024 108,661.0000251 67,727.431 114,290.0835
7 21 July 2024 31.04 18.288 0
8 20 July 2024 113,535 65,114.251 115,389.00151
9 19 July 2024 115,389.00151 66,292.382 112,561
10 18 July 2024 112,561 62,539.243 106,008
11 17 July 2024 106,008 68,358.443 115,046.999
12 16 July 2024 115,046.999 64,530.39 119,354
13 15 July 2024 119,354 63,779.195 113,449
14 14 July 2024 113,449 58,676.471 107,129
15 13 July 2024 107,129 57,996.754 123,904
16 12 July 2024 123,904 57,074.315 131,353.0036
17 11 July 2024 131,353.0036 57,932.781 0
18 10 July 2024 113,122.551 58,427.257 0
19 9 July 2024 131,793 58,455.797 130,715
20 8 July 2024 130,715 56,239.799 131,349
21 7 July 2024 131,349 56,878.318 130,289.122
22 6 July 2024 130,289.122 58,366.644 134,402
23 5 July 2024 134,402 57,316.399 131,559
24 4 July 2024 131,559 57,331.484 129,816
25 3 July 2024 129,360.0489 61,170.183 128,205.13
26 2 July 2024 131,160 62,956.646 0
27 1 July 2024 130,210.425 63,606.869 130,208.968
28 30 June 2024 130,208.968 63,076.148 129,701.686
29 29 June 2024 129,427 61,011.888 128,911
30 28 June 2024 128,911 60,060.137 130,725
31 27 June 2024 130,725 62,199.327 129,319
32 26 June 2024 130,039.0117 61,687.849 129,804.385
33 25 June 2024 128,547 62,313.858 128,483
34 24 June 2024 0.982 0.461 0
35 23 June 2024 133,135. 63,358.286 134,519
36 22 June 2024 134,519 63,164.707 131,815
37 21 June 2024 131,815 64,652.528 134,205
38 20 June 2024 134,205 66,648.887 130,655.00449
39 19 June 2024 131,578.947 65,262.681 134,408.602
40 18 June 2024 132,978 64,860.451 130,527
41 17 June 2024 130,527 65,518.818 137,198
42 16 June 2024 134,048.257 18,792.828 133,868.809
43 15 June 2024 135,695 66,914.324 141,191
44 14 June 2024 141,191 65,599.563 142,000
45 13 June 2024 142,000 66,577.332 0
46 12 June 2024 139,000. 68,065.124 139,000.
47 11 June 2024 139,000. 66,994.537 134,408.597
48 10 June 2024 139,470.219 69,595.695 137,957.675
49 9 June 2024 137,957.675 68,965.888 140,312.239
50 8 June 2024 134,408.597 70,012.77 137,931.0324

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