
Current ranking 7 938

Rating based on the number of trustlines, community ratings and reviews, trading volumes and expert assessments.

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Historical data

Period XRP USD Price 24h (XRP)
1 14 December 2023 42.069 26.49 0
2 13 December 2023 42.069 26.105 0
3 6 November 2023 394.945 279.806 0
4 5 November 2023 394.945 258.807 0
5 17 June 2023 394.95 186.783 394.98
6 16 June 2023 394.95 184.849 394.98
7 5 May 2023 394.98 182.441 0
8 4 May 2023 394.98 181.348 0
9 19 December 2022 399 134.056 10
10 18 December 2022 399 140.65 0
11 14 November 2022 37.51 13.0553 0
12 13 November 2022 37.51 12.641 0
13 10 November 2022 37.51 14.321 400
14 9 November 2022 37.51 14.204 0
15 5 November 2022 400 198.811 37.5
16 4 November 2022 400 198.961 37.5
17 3 November 2022 37.5 16.988 0
18 2 September 2022 400 132.0132 0
19 1 September 2022 400 131.84 0
20 15 August 2022 50 18.275 0

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