
Current ranking 2

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Elysian has been a solid project. The creators have been true to the Airdrop that they promised XRP holders. They were some who tried to take advantage of the AD with multiple accounts, which I believe may have caused some not to get the drop. Of course, there were a means to contact the Elysian Team to solve the issue.
I love this project. Elysian is one of the best xrpl projects.
They got off to a good start, got strong support from the XRP community, but then somehow subsided. It is unclear what they are doing now.
A complete disappointment. It feels like the project team is selling their tokens all the time.
Seems to have multiple issues at the moment but hopefully team will come up with a proper solution.
Хуета. Лютая скамина.

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Elysian latest news

Elysian Historical data

Period XRP USD Price 24h (XRP)
1 27 July 2024 0.00335 0.00201 0.00336
2 26 July 2024 0.00335 0.002 0.0033
3 25 July 2024 0.0033 0.00199 0.00379
4 24 July 2024 0.00379 0.00236 0
5 23 July 2024 0.00392 0.00231 0.00396
6 22 July 2024 0.00396 0.00243 0
7 21 July 2024 0.00398 0.00234 0.00399
8 20 July 2024 0.00399 0.00235 0.004
9 19 July 2024 0.004 0.00233 0.00397
10 18 July 2024 0.00397 0.00224 0
11 17 July 2024 0.00396 0.00245 0.00428
12 16 July 2024 0.00428 0.0025 0.00403
13 15 July 2024 0.00403 0.00215 0
14 14 July 2024 0.00395 0.0021 0.004
15 13 July 2024 0.004 0.00217 0.0039
16 12 July 2024 0.0039 0.00182 0.0047
17 11 July 2024 0.0047 0.00211 0
18 10 July 2024 0.00408 0.00179 0.00402
19 9 July 2024 0.00402 0.00178 0
20 8 July 2024 0.00413 0.00176 0.00431
21 7 July 2024 0.00431 0.00185 0.00402
22 6 July 2024 0.00402 0.00181 0.0038
23 5 July 2024 0.0038 0.0016 0.00433
24 4 July 2024 0.00433 0.00191 0.00497
25 3 July 2024 0.00497 0.00234 0.00499
26 2 July 2024 0.00499 0.0024 0.00461
27 1 July 2024 0.00461 0.00222 0.00473
28 30 June 2024 0.00473 0.00223 0.00445
29 29 June 2024 0.00445 0.0021 0.00435
30 28 June 2024 0.00435 0.00205 0.00393
31 27 June 2024 0.00393 0.00187 0.00387
32 26 June 2024 0.00387 0.00184 0.0036
33 25 June 2024 0.0036 0.00173 0.00334
34 24 June 2024 0.00334 0.00157 0
35 23 June 2024 0.00335 0.00162 0.0034
36 22 June 2024 0.0034 0.00166 0.00328
37 21 June 2024 0.00328 0.0016 0.00374
38 20 June 2024 0.00374 0.00186 0.0038
39 19 June 2024 0.0038 0.0019 0.00333
40 18 June 2024 0.00333 0.00161 0.00385
41 17 June 2024 0.00385 0.00198 0.004
42 16 June 2024 0.004 0.000548 0.00381
43 15 June 2024 0.00381 0.0019 0.00392
44 14 June 2024 0.00392 0.00185 0.00388
45 13 June 2024 0.00388 0.00186 0.00357
46 12 June 2024 0.00357 0.00175 0.00356
47 11 June 2024 0.00357 0.00171 0.00355
48 10 June 2024 0.00355 0.00177 0.00338
49 9 June 2024 0.00338 0.00169 0.00336
50 8 June 2024 0.00336 0.00168 0.00356

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