
Current ranking 12

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strategy engine Historical data

Period XRP USD Price 24h (XRP)
1 30 August 2024 0.371 0.206 0.371
2 29 August 2024 0.371 0.211 0.371
3 28 August 2024 0.371 0.212 0.373
4 27 August 2024 0.373 0.222 0.398
5 22 August 2024 0.398 0.235 0.398
6 21 August 2024 0.398 0.235 0.398
7 20 August 2024 0.398 0.239 0.398
8 19 August 2024 0.398 0.235 0.398
9 18 August 2024 0.398 0.224 0.398
10 17 August 2024 0.398 0.227 0.398
11 16 August 2024 0.398 0.23 0.398
12 15 August 2024 0.398 0.221 0.398
13 14 August 2024 0.398 0.229 0.398
14 13 August 2024 0.398 0.226 0.39
15 11 August 2024 0.39 0.23 0.401
16 10 August 2024 0.39 0.235 0.401
17 7 August 2024 0.401 0.2 0.401
18 6 August 2024 0.401 0.202 0.401
19 5 August 2024 0.401 0.19 0
20 4 August 2024 0.403 0.216 0.403
21 3 August 2024 0.403 0.221 0.403
22 2 August 2024 0.403 0.23 0.404
23 1 August 2024 0.404 0.233 0.404
24 31 July 2024 0.404 0.255 0.404
25 30 July 2024 0.404 0.253 0.404
26 29 July 2024 0.381 0.233 0.404
27 28 July 2024 0.404 0.244 0
28 28 June 2024 0.466 0.222 0.469
29 27 June 2024 0.466 0.222 0.469
30 26 June 2024 0.469 0.222 0.479
31 25 June 2024 0.479 0.23 0.479
32 17 June 2024 0.479 0.483 0.478
33 16 June 2024 0.479 0.0656 0
34 11 June 2024 0.615 0.304 0.615
35 10 June 2024 0.615 0.307 0
36 2 June 2024 0.649 0.335 0.617
37 1 June 2024 0.649 0.336 0
38 24 May 2024 0.617 0.329 0.618
39 23 May 2024 0.618 0.317 0.513
40 22 May 2024 0.521 0.278 0.513
41 21 May 2024 0.513 0.279 0
42 17 May 2024 0.53 0.266 0.531
43 16 May 2024 0.53 0.266 0.531
44 15 May 2024 0.53 0.266 0.531
45 14 May 2024 0.531 0.266 0.531
46 13 May 2024 0.531 0.269 0.53
47 12 May 2024 0.53 0.266 0.53
48 11 May 2024 0.53 0.27 0.53
49 10 May 2024 0.53 0.268 0.53
50 9 May 2024 0.53 0.273 0.54

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