
Current ranking 7

Rating based on the number of trustlines, community ratings and reviews, trading volumes and expert assessments.

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Coreum is one of the best xrpl projects.
The same development team as SOLO. This token temporarily replaces the CORE coin, which will appear when the mainnet Coreum is launched. Coreum is a 4th generation blockchain. The fastest, with low fees. I think it's a big project.
part of solo project
Mainnet open Aug 2022...can't wait~!!!
Надеюсь когда-нибудь выстрелит.

Coreum markets

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Coreum latest news

Coreum Historical data

Period XRP USD Price 24h (XRP)
1 27 July 2024 0.145 0.0869 0.139
2 26 July 2024 0.141 0.0838 0.14
3 25 July 2024 0.14 0.0846 0.143
4 24 July 2024 0.143 0.089 0.149
5 23 July 2024 0.149 0.0879 0.148
6 22 July 2024 0.148 0.0908 0.16
7 21 July 2024 0.16 0.0944 0.16
8 20 July 2024 0.16 0.0941 0.162
9 19 July 2024 0.162 0.0943 0.164
10 18 July 2024 0.164 0.0924 0.162
11 17 July 2024 0.162 0.0999 0.166
12 16 July 2024 0.166 0.0969 0.17
13 15 July 2024 0.17 0.0909 0.178
14 14 July 2024 0.178 0.0944 0.18
15 13 July 2024 0.18 0.0976 0.189
16 12 July 2024 0.189 0.0882 0.201
17 11 July 2024 0.201 0.0904 0.211
18 10 July 2024 0.211 0.0927 0.22
19 9 July 2024 0.22 0.0975 0
20 8 July 2024 0.227 0.0972 0.224
21 7 July 2024 0.224 0.096 0.225
22 6 July 2024 0.225 0.101 0.233
23 5 July 2024 0.233 0.098 0.228
24 4 July 2024 0.228 0.1 0.23
25 3 July 2024 0.23 0.108 0.23
26 2 July 2024 0.23 0.111 0.234
27 1 July 2024 0.234 0.113 0.235
28 30 June 2024 0.235 0.111 0.229
29 29 June 2024 0.229 0.108 0.233
30 28 June 2024 0.233 0.11 0.227
31 27 June 2024 0.227 0.108 0.232
32 26 June 2024 0.232 0.11 0.236
33 25 June 2024 0.236 0.113 0.239
34 24 June 2024 0.239 0.112 0.241
35 23 June 2024 0.241 0.116 0.233
36 22 June 2024 0.233 0.113 0.22
37 21 June 2024 0.22 0.107 0.206
38 20 June 2024 0.206 0.102 0.187
39 19 June 2024 0.187 0.0932 0.177
40 18 June 2024 0.177 0.0855 0.179
41 17 June 2024 0.179 0.092 0.183
42 16 June 2024 0.183 0.025 0.179
43 15 June 2024 0.179 0.0893 0.178
44 14 June 2024 0.178 0.084 0.18
45 13 June 2024 0.18 0.0866 0.183
46 12 June 2024 0.183 0.0893 0.184
47 11 June 2024 0.184 0.088 0.184
48 10 June 2024 0.184 0.0917 0.196
49 9 June 2024 0.196 0.0981 0.199
50 8 June 2024 0.199 0.0994 0.199

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